2019年5月29日,廣東金橋百信律師事務所董事王欣律師及發展戰略委員會主任馬立峻律師一行到訪本行洽商聯營大計。 今年,本行擬與廣東金橋百信律師事務所在廣東省內設立一家粵港澳聯營律師事務所,致力於更加高效、專注的服務大灣區客戶。 以聯營合作為主題的商務談判會議在本行會議室正式舉行,就成立聯營律師事務所展開商討。雙方在建所價值觀、戰略佈局、業務交流需求等方面高度契合。彼此期待乘著粵港澳大灣區的春風,開展深度合作,使雙方的業務朝著更全面、更國際化、更可持續的良性方向發展。 雙方的與會代表分別為:金橋百信律師事務所董事王欣律師、高級合夥人馬立峻律師、合夥人杜滿清律師、李晟睿律師;本行合夥人司徒維新律師、合夥人陳永良律師、管理合夥人馮健華律師、中國事務代表陳雯女士。

On April 29 2019, our firm was invited by Peking University Education Foundation to host a conference with a group of Peking University students. During the conference, our senior partner, Mr. Szeto shared his experience of being a legal profession. After the conference, the students were given a short tour of our firm and introduced…

Our partner, Franky Fung and our associate, Rufina Ng attended the Eurolegal Annual Conference in Gdansk, Poland on 26-28 April 2019. They had the opportunity to meet up with affiliated lawyers from different countries and visit the mayor of Gdansk. They also gave a presentation on the Belt and Road Initiative and Greater Bay Area…