Visit by Mr. Jérémie Palacci, Partner at Cabinet NetterSun Lawyers07/11/2024 On... Cross Strait Four Regions Young Lawyers Forum 2024Sun Lawyers07/11/2024 As... Court Days as a Greater Bay Area LawyerSun Lawyers07/11/2024 I... Seminar on Will and Probates practice in China and Hong KongSun Lawyers28/09/2024 Upon... Eurolegal Annual Conference 2024Sun Lawyers14/06/2024 Eurolegal... Schinder Law Firm and Sun Lawyers LLP Form Strategic CooperationSun Lawyers31/05/2024 May... K-CASE Lawyer and Sun Lawyers LLP Foreign Strategic Indonesia-Hong Kong CooperationSun Lawyers30/03/2024 K-CASE... Webinar for Hainan and Hong Kong LawyersSun Lawyers20/03/2024 On... Advisory Group of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area LawyersSun Lawyers20/03/2024 On... Thailand-Hong Kong Cooperation between Avanta & Sun LawyersSun Lawyers18/02/2024 On... Presentation by our Partner, Mr. Stanley Chan, at the Legal Seminar in Beijing Zhong Wen Law FirmSun Lawyers06/01/2024 On... AnnouncementSun Lawyers05/12/2023 The Law Society of Hong Kong’s International Summit 2023Sun Lawyers05/12/2023 On... Legal Talk on Will, Enduring Powers of Attorney and TrustSun Lawyers01/07/2023 Ms.... Our Partners’ visit to HainanSun Lawyers22/04/2023 Recently,... AGM of Credit Union League of Hong KongSun Lawyers24/03/2023 On... Our Partner Mr. Stanley Chan’s Visit to Guangzhou and ZhongshanSun Lawyers16/03/2023 On... Legal talk on “Divorce”Sun Lawyers09/03/2023 Ms.... 2023 Credit Unions Spring DinnerSun Lawyers03/03/2023 On... Hang Seng Bank 2023 Chinese New Year CocktailSun Lawyers08/02/2023 On... Admission of Ms. Cissy LinSun Lawyers02/01/2023 We... Admission of Ms. Athena FungSun Lawyers12/11/2022 We... TaipeiLaw Attorneys-at-LawSun Lawyers09/11/2022 On... AnnouncementSun Lawyers20/10/2022 AGM of Credit Union League of Hong KongSun Lawyers09/06/2022 On... AIA WebinaSun Lawyers05/03/2022 On... New Partner AnnouncementSun Lawyers16/12/2021 General Agents & Managers Association of Hong Kong – Annual DinnerSun Lawyers16/12/2021 Our... New Partner AnnouncementSun Lawyers26/11/2021 SUN Lawyers’ Participation in HKU LEAPSun Lawyers10/06/2021 Our visit to Gary Cheng CPA LimitedSun Lawyers30/03/2021 On... 2021 “Alternative Dispute Resolution and Legal Issues Concerning International Commercial Disputes” SalonSun Lawyers08/02/2021 ... Strategic Alliance with Taiwan TaipeiLaw Attorneys-at-LawSun Lawyers03/02/2021 ... Global Forum on Law Firm Management- Future of the Legal PracticeSun Lawyers30/12/2020 On... Eurolegal Virtual Conference 2020Sun Lawyers15/12/2020 Our... Sun Lawyers LLP 祝賀粵港澳大灣區跨境稅務服務創新合作機制授牌儀式Sun Lawyers23/11/2020 Peking University China Study Course Alumni Association Limited General Election and AGMSun Lawyers03/07/2020 Peking... 廣東金橋百信粵港澳聯營律師事務所(南沙)招聘Sun Lawyers07/05/2020 Celebrating the Approval on Establishment of KSK Law FirmSun Lawyers26/03/2020 ... A discussion session with Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Cooperation Office, Guangzhou Nansha Economic and Technological Development ZoneSun Lawyers25/02/2020 On... Contract Signing Ceremony for Establishment of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Joint Venture Firm in NanshaSun Lawyers19/12/2019 On... The 32nd LawAsia Conference 2019Sun Lawyers28/11/2019 On... A Trip to Macau for the establishment of a Joint Venture Law FirmSun Lawyers08/10/2019 On... The visit of Macau Kuong & Souza AdvogadosSun Lawyers26/09/2019 Ms.... Signing Ceremony for Establishment of Joint Venture Firm in Nansha, ChinaSun Lawyers06/09/2019 On... The Rule of Law Forum of the World Artificial Intelligence Conference 2019Sun Lawyers30/08/2019 On... 金橋到訪Sun Lawyers29/05/2019 2019年5月29日,廣東金橋百信律師事務所董事王欣律師及發展戰略委員會主任馬立峻律師一行到訪本行洽商聯營大計。... Eurolegal Annual Conference 2019Sun Lawyers07/05/2019 Our... Hang Seng Bank Chinese New Year Cocktail PartySun Lawyers04/03/2019 On... Reunion with the Credit Union MovementSun Lawyers30/01/2019 28... Celebrating 40th Anniversary of China’s Reform and Opening up – Seminar on Economic, Trade and Commercial LawAdmin29/11/2018 On... HKGCC Delegation to Greater Bay AreaAdmin23/11/2018 Photo... Hong Kong Legal Services ForumAdmin24/09/2018 On... Opening Ceremony of Shanghai Hui Ye Law Firm Xi’an Office and the Xi’an Summit ForumSun Lawyers02/08/2018 On... Eurolegal Annual Conference 2018Sun Lawyers26/04/2018 During... Opening Ceremony of Shanghai Hui Ye Law Firm WuhanSun Lawyers25/03/2018 On... Talk “Update on New Regulation on PRC Outbound Investment” invited by HKGCCSun Lawyers28/02/2018 On... The Small and Medium law Firms Association of Hong Kong SymposiumSun Lawyers21/11/2017 Our... 2017 “Dialogue on Law and Economy” Summit of Hui Ye Law Firm (PRC)Sun Lawyers21/11/2017 Our... 粵港大灣區考察團Sun Lawyers21/07/2017 六月二十二至二十三日,本行合夥人陳永良律師參加香港總商會主辦的粵港大灣區主辦的粵港大灣區考察團,前往廣東省江門市參觀數個有高度代表性的企業單位,對香港法律界在大灣區發展中的前景得到很多啟示。... Our partners attend Belt and Road ConferenceSun Lawyers12/05/2017 Our... Our partner Stanley Chan attends Eurolegal Annual ConferenceSun Lawyers12/05/2017 Our... Our partner Mr. Stanley Chan visited Lamy LexelAdmin03/02/2017 On... 2017 Annual Conference of Hui Ye Law Firm (PRC)Admin03/02/2017 On... Our partner Stanley Chan was invited to attend the High Table Dinner hosted by the Undergraduate Law Society, CUSU.Admin28/10/2016 On...
K-CASE Lawyer and Sun Lawyers LLP Foreign Strategic Indonesia-Hong Kong CooperationSun Lawyers30/03/2024 K-CASE...
Presentation by our Partner, Mr. Stanley Chan, at the Legal Seminar in Beijing Zhong Wen Law FirmSun Lawyers06/01/2024 On...
2021 “Alternative Dispute Resolution and Legal Issues Concerning International Commercial Disputes” SalonSun Lawyers08/02/2021 ...
Peking University China Study Course Alumni Association Limited General Election and AGMSun Lawyers03/07/2020 Peking...
A discussion session with Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Cooperation Office, Guangzhou Nansha Economic and Technological Development ZoneSun Lawyers25/02/2020 On...
Contract Signing Ceremony for Establishment of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Joint Venture Firm in NanshaSun Lawyers19/12/2019 On...
The Rule of Law Forum of the World Artificial Intelligence Conference 2019Sun Lawyers30/08/2019 On...
Celebrating 40th Anniversary of China’s Reform and Opening up – Seminar on Economic, Trade and Commercial LawAdmin29/11/2018 On...
Opening Ceremony of Shanghai Hui Ye Law Firm Xi’an Office and the Xi’an Summit ForumSun Lawyers02/08/2018 On...
Talk “Update on New Regulation on PRC Outbound Investment” invited by HKGCCSun Lawyers28/02/2018 On...
粵港大灣區考察團Sun Lawyers21/07/2017 六月二十二至二十三日,本行合夥人陳永良律師參加香港總商會主辦的粵港大灣區主辦的粵港大灣區考察團,前往廣東省江門市參觀數個有高度代表性的企業單位,對香港法律界在大灣區發展中的前景得到很多啟示。...
Our partner Stanley Chan was invited to attend the High Table Dinner hosted by the Undergraduate Law Society, CUSU.Admin28/10/2016 On...